Monday, April 1, 2013

Sql Server: Get Random Time in given range : Function

[code language="sql"]
--Requirement to get a random time of day between @startTime and @endTime
Create Function dbo.GetRandomTimeInRange
@startTime Time = '00:00:00',
@endTime TIME = '01:30:00'
-- Select dbo.GetRandomTimeInRange ('23:00:00', '02:01:00')

-- Get the number of seconds between the specified time
-- (eg. there are 5400 seconds between 12 AM and 1:30 AM)
DECLARE @MaxSec int = DATEDIFF(ss, @startTime, @endTime)
-- Get a random number of seconds between 0 and the number of
-- seconds between @startTime and @endTime (@maxSeconds)
DECLARE @randomSec int = (@MaxSec + 1) *
(DATEPART(Ms, Getdate())/1000.0)
/* Add the random number of seconds to @startTime and
return that random time of day */
/* In the above code Milli Seconds is divided by 1000 to make the
value < 1 or in other words extreact a few percent of @randomSec
so as to get the value less than @endTime
RETURN (convert(Time, DateAdd(second, @randomSec, @startTime)))



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